Sneaky Spinach Smoothies

It’s officially summer time and everyone is in the spirit to be healthy and feel amazing!  This smoothie is a nice green treat that won’t leave you craving naughty treats instead.  Whip one of these up, do 100 jumping jacks and you’ll be feeling great in no time.

Screenshot 2015-06-25 13.33.10

Sneaky Spinach Smoothie
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  1. 1 Frozen banana
  2. 1 1/2 c. Frozen fruit
  3. 3-4 c. Fresh organic spinach
  4. 1/2 c. Cherry tomatoes
  5. Orange Juice (fill blender 1/2-3/4 way full)
  1. Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth... Enjoy!
Carly Brannon

Have a wonderful week,